Sex Education Wiki

Ruth ''Ruthie'' was one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. She was portrayed by Lily Newmark.

She was a lesbian who was having relationship problems.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

In episode 4, Ruthie and her girlfriend, Tanya, go to Otis for sex advice. He tries to help them but nothing seems to work. Later, Otis sees Ruthie kissing Jessa and they discuss it in french class, after what Ruthie agrees to tell Tanya the truth.

Season 2[]

In episode 2.2, Otis goes to Ruthie for advice on fingering and he shows her what he did on an orange. She then tells him to just listen to his girlfriend and what she wants. Otis leaves and Ruthie throws the orange back at the other girl in the library.



Jessa (girlfriend)[]

Jessa is Ruthie's current girlfriend and is seen kissing her in episode 4. She is very taken with Jessa as she explains to Otis.

Tanya (ex-girlfriend)[]

101 Ruthie and Tanya at Moordale

Tanya is Ruthie's ex-girlfriend. The two were friends since they were little. They came out around the same time and figured they should be in a relationship together. Ruthie wasn't as into their relationship as Tanya was and seemed to just want to do friend stuff with her. Otis sees her kissing Jessa, who is Ruthie's current girlfriend. They talk about it and later she breaks up with Tanya. It is unknown if they're still friends.

Tanya and Ruthie go to Otis for sex advice in episode 4. He tries to help them but nothing seems to work. Later, Otis sees Ruthie kissing Jessa and they discuss it in French class and Ruthie agrees to tell Tanya the truth.


Otis Milburn (friend)[]

Ruthie and Otis in the library 2

Otis was helping Ruthie and her girlfriend, Tanya with their relationship problems. At first, Ruthie didn't believe that Otis could fix their problems, as she was treating Otis with condemn and was mean to him. After Otis saw Ruthie making out with another girl, cheating on Tanya, Otis and Ruthie had a talk during which Ruthie told him that things were easier between her and Tanya when they were friends and everything messed up when they began dating. Otis encourages Ruthie to tell Tanya the truth and how she feels about their relationship, to which Ruthie agrees.

In season 2, Otis comes to Ruthie to get a piece of advice from her. He don't know much about fingering, and Ola (his girlfriend) didn't enjoy the way he was doing it. Ruthie advices Otis to simply ask his girlfriend what she likes, as every vagina is different.


Ruthie is a sarcastic lesbian who is a bit stubborn as shown in episode 4. She is the first one to be rather sceptic of Otis's sex therapy clinic and tells him that.


Season Total
One - - - - - - 2
Two - - - - - - - 1
Total 3
Sex Education: The Road Trip Sex Education: A Guide to Life
- M
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

Only you could make French unsexy.
— Ruthie to Otis in French class[src]

Tune into her orange.
— Ruthie to Otis[src]


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ruthie.

Promotional Images[]


