Sex Education Wiki

Maxine Tarrington is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. She is portrayed by T'Nia Miller.

She was the Chairman of Moordale Secondary School.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 2[]

Maxine is introduced at the beginning of season 2, demanding to speak to Michael about the unfolding STI epidemic at Moordale. She berates Michael for the dire situation and instructs him to have it seen to. During the subsequent assembly, she is seen to be unimpressed with the students’ musical performance.

When Maeve takes to the intercom reading out essays, Maxine demands to know what is going on. She is sceptical of the explanation given, and says the school is in “anarchy”. She is also seen to be appalled by the fight on the school field. Later on, she rings Jean and enlists her services to improve Moordale’s Sex Education curriculum.


Maxine is seen to be stern and authoritative, with Michael being visibly afraid of her. She berates him several times for the school’s various failings, and threatens his position if things do not improve.

However, after Michael’s outburst during the performance in episode 2.8, Maxine showed a sympathetic, if not still strict, side; telling him to take time off after Maureen left him.


Season Total
Two M - - - - - 2
Total 2
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

An STI outbreak, mass class interruption. I'm sorry, what's next? Little monkeys instead of teachers? Creationism? It's anarchy!
— Maxine to Michael and Emily[src]
This institution is in disarray, and if you don't pull it together, you'll no longer be headmaster.
— Maxine to Michael[src]


Season 2[]

