Sex Education Wiki

The apparition of God in a woman's body is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education, portrayed by Jodie Turner-Smith.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 4[]

God appears in various ways to Eric. The first time is when Eric brings a homeless woman to the soup kitchen run by his church, so she can quench her hunger. After getting there Eric tells her he has got to go and she says that place is where he belongs, but Eric doesn't understand her. However, after his mother asks him to stay and help, he does so.

In episode 4.6, Eric has a dream where the same woman he helped out a couple days ago is fishing and asks him to help her. After they catch a fish, Eric suggests putting it back in the water, but woman declines and turns into God, who asks Eric why he turned his back on Church and calls him her child. After a while Eric wakes up in a cold sweat, not understanding the dream he just had.

In the final episode of the series, after coming out in front of his church community and refusing to get baptized, Eric meets God in the flesh and she shows him his way, telling him about his calling. Eric isn't sure about it, but eventually decides to become a pastor in order to spread the faith.


Season Total
Four - - - - - 3
Total 3
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

Eric Effiong! You are my precious child. You are brave and bold and absolutely effervocious
— God to Eric in his dream[src]
I made you this bright so that others would see in the darkness
— God to Eric[src]


Season 4[]

