Sex Education Wiki

Goat is a goat owned by Aimee Gibbs and Steve Morley. Goat does not appear to have an actual name, as Aimee refers to her as "Goat."

Throughout the Series[]

Season 3[]

Aimee and Steve got Goat as a commitment animal that they could take care of together. However, Aimee appears to take care of the goat most of the time. When she first got Goat, she brought Goat to school with her, and Dex used the Goat as a shield when his clothes went missing.

In later episodes, Aimee leaves Goat at home to be taken care of by her mother while she is at school.

Aimee often carries Goat around with her. She brought Goat to her therapy sessions with Jean and to the Caravan Park to meet Maeve.


Season Total
Three - - - - - 3
Total 3
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured


  • In episode 3.8, Goat eats the pornographic magazines at Jean's house, leading Maureen to believe that Goat is a lesbian.
  • It is unknown what happened to her after season 3 finale as Aimee doesn't mention her even once throughout the season 4 storyline.


Season 3[]

