Sex Education Wiki

Abbi Montgomery is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. She is portrayed by Anthony Lexa.

Abbi belongs to The Coven, which is a counterpart of The Untouchables clique at Cavendish College, except they're being more nice and open-minded. Abbi is a transgender woman, and a Christian, which sparks a friendship between her and Eric Effiong. She's also currently in a relationship with Roman, and they're considered to be the It Couple at their school.

Early Life[]

At some point, Abbi was kicked out from her family's house due to coming out as a transgender woman. She moved in to live with her boyfriend Roman and his family.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 4[]

Abbi is one of the most popular girls at Cavendish College, who befriends Eric and helps him acclimatize at the new school. She also despises Ruby, whom she perceives as rude and annoying, eventually making up with her.



Roman (boyfriend)[]

Roman is Abbi's boyfriend. The two live at his house, as Abbi was kicked out of her family house after she came out as a transgender woman. The two truly love each other and don't argue very often.


Aisha Green (best friend)[]

Abbi is Aisha's best friend and a fellow member of the Coven. The two probably met after starting their education at Cavendish, and some time later alongside Roman, created their friend group.

Aisha is very supportive of Abbi after she and Roman have their first ever fight and is by her side. They often hang out with each other.

Eric Effiong (best friend)[]

Abbi and Eric met after Eric and several other former Moordale Secondary students started attending Cavendish. The two quickly developed a bond, as both of them were very religious. Abbi was also keen on the idea of raising money for Eric's church, which was doomed to be closed. Abbi also made Eric an official member of the Coven, often hanging out with all of them.


Abbi is a Christian transgender woman, who was forced to stop attending church due to starting her transition and the fact that nobody accepted her choice there. Despite being the popular kid at school, Abbi is kind and very open-minded. She can also befriend everyone very quickly and often helps others with acclimatizing at her school, so they can feel freely there.


Season Total
Four - 7
Total 7
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Abbi Montgomery.

Promotional Images[]


